无锡威孚高科技集团股份有限公司Weifu High-Technology Group Co., Ltd.Semi-Annual Financial Report 2020August 2020I. Audit reportWhether the semi annual report is audited□ Yes √ NoThe company's semi annual financial report has not been auditedII. Financial statementUnit in note of financial statement refers to CNY: RMB (Yuan)1. Consolidated balance sheetPrepared by Weifu High-Technology Group Co., Ltd2020-06-30In RMBItem 2020-6-30 2019-12-31Current assets:Monetary funds 2,564,147,609.58 1,596,893,711.87Settlement provisionsCapital lentTransaction financial assets 3,186,262,183.13 3,940,885,674.32Derivative financial assetsNote receivable 985,930,905.61 1,812,141,371.94Account receivable 3,674,151,635.33 2,310,666,475.89Receivable financing 756,743,779.54 23,873,317.86Accounts paid in advance 224,243,911.70 139,241,917.78Insurance receivableReinsurance receivablesContract reserve of reinsurance receivableOther account receivable 1,129,113,083.12 43,730,023.31Including: Interest receivable 2,091,107.78 655,052.98Dividend receivable 1,092,040,579.49 1,070,000.00Buying back the sale of financial assetsInventories ……